Why Join Us?

  • Network with other professionals in the Flag industry including dealers, manufacturers and suppliers.

  • Members helping members with current projects, joint ventures, and resources allowing you to accommodate your customer's needs without having to refer them elsewhere.

  • A resource for finding hard to find or specialty products as well as solutions to issues affecting our industry.

  • Be the first to know about upcoming issues such as supplier and dealer acquisitions/market positioning before those outside the membership/industry.

  • Sales and marketing ideas, strategies, and training opportunities to help you grow and maintain your business and market share.

  • Helping dealers in the flag industry gain more power over sections of the supply chain, primarily the supplier section, but also the customer and logistics sections.

  • NIFDA's tie-ins with other organizations to expand knowledge including

  • Opportunity to see & understand how other businesses operate in our industry; meet with owners, CEOs, CFOs, and other business leaders in the industry to ask questions and discuss issues in a friendly and professional environment.

  • Learn from the senior members of the organization/industry how things used to be to give a better perspective and understanding of where things are heading.

  • A collective group of individuals & businesses that understand our country's symbol: what it means, its importance, and its history. NIFDA members understand that the flag will forever wave as long as Americans continue to appreciate what it stands for.

  • Discounted pricing for specific products (varies by vendor).

  • Advice forum for various topics to include , but not limited to, appliqued flags, flagpole installations, maintenance issues, etc.

  • Customer referrals from association members and our newly revamped website: www.nifda.net

  • Annual Trade Show & Convention allows a casual atmosphere to interact with dealers and manufacturers as well as offers the opportunity to see new products and technologies in the industry

  • Publicity opportunities for members.